Broadcaster Contact

If you're a broadcaster contact our domestic or international distributors to arrange for a screening of any one (or all) of the 13 half-hour episodes of Spy Games... this leading edge documentary TV series created and produced by Ashley Gracile and released by GPI Content Corporation.  Available in HD with M & E tracks Spy Games is guaranteed to spark lively conversation and on-line chatter every time it goes to air.

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Spy Games is a new twist on the documentary. Fresh perspectives, timely content, a unique format and fascinating characters. We have the stories, the people and the places that make Spy Games a sure fire hit on any broadcast schedule. 

Riveting Spy Games content such as the intriguing, gadgets gizmos and technology which help make a spy’s high-stress job just a little bit easier; though it’s still the human element that determines a mission's ultimate success or failure these device make for great television. Cameras, listening devices, miniature weapons, and tiny transmitters help spies steal information without getting caught—or killed.  Spy Games always goes beneath the surface, delving into treachery, history and purpose of espionage and stays true to the original concept by Ashley Gracile. IMDB lists Ashley Gracile as an Executive Producer and Show Runner in Los Angeles with multiple broadcast and cable television credits.

Ashley founded GPI Content Corporation to entertain audiences with compelling thought provoking documentary television like Spy Games.  Along the way he ended up creating and producing 13 more television series comprised of an astounding 1,300 episodes. Ashley Gracile lifestyle TV and documentary television programming is seen in over 100 million domestic U.S. homes and over 80 million homes internationally. 

Every week for the last 24 years Ashley’s content has been continuously broadcast on broadcast and c able television and has been (and can be) seen on Discovery Channel, NBC Sports Network, ESPN/Star, The Outdoor Channel, The Family Channel, Retro TV, TUFF TV along with over 150 ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CW, My Network TV affiliate and network owned local TV stations across the country.  DISTANT ROADSPLAYERS PARKING ONLYSTEEL DREAMS TVFREERIDEROAD CLASSICS,  FORMULA DRIFT TV, A PLACE IN THE SUNSPORT COMPACT TVSPY GAMESWELLNESS FOR LIFETHAT’S BOATING, RV VACATION ADVENTURES, A PLACE OF YOUR OWN and CYBERQUEST are just a few of the  broadcast television titles in which Ashley is credited as an Executive Producer, Creator, Producer  and/or Rights Holder.  

Spy Games… all is not what it seems

During the Cold War, everyone was on the lookout for “commies” and no one was above suspicion. Your neighbour, your best friend, or even your mother could be working for the reds. Or so Washington told the American people. But were there spies everywhere? Very possibly, yes.

Retired KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin and former CIA agent Eugene Poteat talk about their decisions to enter the world of espionage and their role in the events you see on your evening news.

Gadgets & gizmos are what we think espionage is all about. Technology can help make a spy’s high-stress job just a little bit easier but it’s still the human element that determines ultimate success or failure. Cameras, listening devices, miniature weapons, and tiny transmitters help spies steal information without getting caught—or killed

Spy Games - An Ashley Gracile TV Series
14252 Ventura Blvd. Suite 2Sherman Oaks, CA91423US
Phone: 8187284636 Website: